

NWDA JE Civil Previous Year Question Paper


NWDA JE Civil Previous Question Paper

Q. which of the following pile types is typically used in water front structures ?

(A) Anchor pile

(B) Fender pile

(C) Compaction pile

(D) Tension pile

Ans- B

Q. As per IS 10430-2000, the range of rugosity coefficient of a Brick-tile lined canal is  ?

(A) 0.001-0.123

(B) 0.018-0.020

(C) 0.002-0.123

(D) 1.000-1.987

Ans- B

Q. The bligh's creep coeffcient for light sand and mud is  ?

(A) 25

(B) 10

(C) 18

(B) 20

Ans- C

Q. The SI unit of Kinematic viscisity is ?

(A) m/s2

(B) m3/s2

(C) kg/m-s

(D) m2/s


Q. For a three phase Soil system, the value of percentage Air voids  ?

(A) is always zero

(B) is always hundred

(C) Could be anything above hundred

(D) Lies between zero and hundred

Ans- D

Q. An isohyet is a line joining of ?

 (A) Equal rainfall

(B) Unequal rainfall

(C) Equal snowfall

(D) Unequal snowfall

Ans- A

Q. As per IS 10262-2009, The minimum water content to be taken for concrete mix design per cubic meter of concrete for nominal maximum size of 10 mm ?

(A) 165 leters

(B) 195 leters

(C) 208 leters

(D) 250 leters

Ans- C

Q. The variation in the volume of a liquid with the change of pressure is called as ?

(A) Viscosity

(B) Compressibility

(C) Surface tension

(D) Cohesion

Ans- B

Q. During design of Raft faundation according to IS code, the maximum settelment sand and hard clay for rainforced concrete structures is ?

(A) 40 mm

(B) 90 mm

(C) 65 mm

(D) 75 mm

Ans- D

Q. For pure cohesive soil, the value of bearing capacity factor (Nc) is ?

(A) 6.7

(B) 8.7

(C) 5.7

(D) 4.7

Ans- C

Q. The reason for adding Gypsum in cement is ?

(A) To increase the heat of hydration

(B) To avoid flash set

(C) To increase the rate of hydration

(D) Decrease the soundness of cement 

Ans- B

Q. The Canal is alined on the natural watershed line is called ?

(A) Side slope canal

(B) Free canal

(C) Watershed canal

(D) Countour canal

Ans- C

Q. A Hydrograph of direct runoff due to 1 cm effective rainfall over a catchment for unit duration is called ?

(A) Runoff hydrograph

(B) Unit hydrograph

(C) Storm hydrograph

(D) Direct runoff hydrograph

Ans- B

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