UPSSSC JE Civil Practice Set -4
Q. The value of property during its useful life based on purchase value and depreciations etc. known as ?
(A) Scrap value
(B) Book value
(C) Junk value
(D) Salvage value
Ans- B
Q. In plane tabling the instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical distance directly is known as ?
(A) Plane alidade
(B) Techeometre
(C) Clinometer
(D) Telescopic alidade
Ans- D
Q. The size of a Theodolite is specified by ?
(A) The length of telescope
(B) The diameter of vertical circle
(C) The diameter of lower plate
(D) The diameter of upper plate
Ans- C
Q. Minimum thickness of Load bearing RCC wall should be ?
(A) 5 cm
(B) 10 cm
(C) 15 cm
(D) 20 cm
Ans- B
Q. cubic metre of mild steel weight about ?
(A) 12560 kg
(B) 3635 kg
(C) 7850 kg
(D) 1000 kg
Ans- C
Q. The member of roof which support the purlins is called as ?
(A) Principal rafter
(B) Principal tie
(C) Sag Road
(D) Main Stut
Ans- A
Q. Sheep foot roller is mostly used for the compaction of which type of soil ?
(A) Clays
(B) Silt
(C) Sand
(D) Gravel
Ans- A
Q. The minimum recommended diameter of Sewer is ?
(A) 30 cm
(B) 15 cm
(C) 10 cm
(D) 40 cm
Ans- B
Q. The commonly used Lime in white washing ?
(A) Quick lime m
(B) Fat line
(C) Lean line
(D) Hydraulic lime
Ans- B
Q. The pressure of a liquid measured with the help of a Piezometre tube is ?
(A) Atmospheric pressure
(B) Gauge pressure
(C) Absolute pressure
(D) Vacuum pressure
Ans- B
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