Jharkhand SSC JE Civil Papers
Q. The most suitable mortar used for construction works in water logged areas is ?
(A) Lime mortar
(B) Gauged mortar
(C) Cement mortar
(D) Mud mortar
Ans- C
Q. The most suitable stone for building piers is ?
(A) Marble
(B) Lime stone
(C) Sand stone
(D) Granite
Ans- D
Q. Which of the following methods of irrigation has minimum wastage of water ?
(A) Furrow irrigation
(B) Check irrigation
(C) Sprinkler irrigation
(D) Border method of irrigation
Ans- C
Q. The minimum thickness of floor slabs for buildings is usually ?
(A) 2 cm
(B) 5 cm
(C) 9 cm
(D) 25 cm
Ans- C
Q. The modulus of elasticity of steel is assumed to be ?
(A) 200 KN/mm2
(B) 250 KN/mm2
(C) 225 KN/mm2
(D) 275 KN/mm2
Ans- A
Q. Soil particles are bounded together by which of the following forces ?
(A) Van dar waals
(B) Centrifugal
(C) Gravitional
(D) Frictional
Ans- A
Q. Statics fluid deals with ?
(A) Viscous and pressure forces
(B) Viscous and gravity force
(C) Gravity and pressure force
(D) Surface tension and gravity forces
Ans- C
Q. Quantity of 1m*1m*1* inside dimensions of water tank is ?
(A) 1000 liters
(B) 500 liters
(C) 750 liters
(D) 1250 liters
Ans- A
Q. When did the indian goverment adopt the first national water policy ?
(A) 2004
(B) 2009
(C) 1997
(D) 1987
Ans- D
Q. One acres is ?
(A) 2.471 Hectares
(B) 1.048 Hectares
(C) 1.0 Hectares
(D) 0.40467 Hectares
Ans- D
Q. For a water bound macadam roads, the recommended camber is ?
(A) 1 in 24 to 26
(B) 1 in 30 to 48
(C) 1 in 60 to 80
(D) 1 in 85 to 120
Ans- B