

UPSSSC JE Civil Practice Set | Online Test Series | Previous Papers


UPSSSC JE Civil Practice Set - 1

Q. The soil transported by flowing water is called ?

(A) Aeolian soil

(B) Marine soil

(C) Alluvial soil

(D) Sandy soil

Ans- C

Q. The maximum size of the particles of clay is about ?

(A) 0.0002 mm

(B) 0.002 mm

(C) 0.02 mm

(D) 0.2 mm

Ans- B

Q. Pycnometer is used to determine ?

(A) Water content and voids ratio

(B) specific gravity and dry Density

(C) Water content and specific gravity

(D) None of Above

Ans- C

Q. The ratio of the volume of water present in a given soil mass to the total volume of total voids, is known as ?

(A) Porosity

(B) Void ratio

(C) Percentage voids

(D) Degree of saturation

Ans- D

Q. When the plastic limit of a soil is greater than the liquid limit, than the plasticity index is reported as ?

(A) Negative

(B) Positive

(C) Zero

(D) Non-Plastic

Ans- C

Q. The coefficient of curvature for a well graded soil must be in the range of ?

(A) 0.5-1.0

(B) 3.0-4.0

(C) 4.0-5.0

(D) 1.0-3.0

Ans- D

Q. Poise is the unit of ?

(A) Mass density

(B) Kinetic viscosity

(C) Viscosity

(D) Velocity Gradient

Ans- C

Q. Manometer is used to measuring ?

(A) Velocity at a point in a fluid

(B) Pressure at a point in a fluid

(C) Different of pressure between two points

(D) Both A and

Ans- D

Q. The survey in which the curvature of the earth is taken into Account is called ?

(A) Geodetic Survey

(B) Plane Table Survey

(C) Hydrographical survey

(D) Topographical survey

Ans- A

Q. A line joining some fixed points on the main survey lines is called ?

(A) Check line

(B) Tie line

(C) Chain line

(D) Base line

Ans- B

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